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proAV supports Technicians: We Make The Difference campaign

proAV supports Technicians: We M...

proAV backs new campaign to encourage more young people to consider technical careers

According to recent reports, the UK needs around 800,000 more technicians and apprentices to meet the demand in the economy for the sort of practical science jobs to boost innovation and economic growth. This is why proAV is supporting the Gatsby Charitable Foundation’s Technicians: We Make the Difference campaign.

Technicians are making a difference across society, doing exciting and interesting jobs in almost all industries; from making a life-saving vaccine to working behind the scenes at a music festival. It's their balance of scientific, engineering, or technological knowledge, along with skills such as attention to detail and critical thinking, that makes technicians special. 

proAV employs many technicians across the business, including Charlie Finniear, a Lighting Control Specialist technician who features as a case study on Gatsby’s new Technicians: We Make the Difference website. On the website, accessible via the read article button below, you can watch a short video where Charlie shares his experiences as a technician with the aim to inspire more young people to consider technical careers. 

Research by Gatsby shows that while parents are becoming more supportive of technical education routes and qualifications, such as T-Levels, many (40%) still don’t understand what a technician is. Furthermore, two thirds (66%) say their child has expressed an interest in a future career that they know very little about.

Together with Gatsby, we want to help parents and young people learn more about technician careers options and routes available (many of which young people can reach via T-levels, apprenticeships and other more practical, work-based routes). 


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