Edinburgh office opening

proAV opens office in Edinburgh to broaden UK network
proAV has opened an office in Edinburgh to further extend its UK network and create a local presence for organisations and customers north of the border.
proAV Scotland’s office is opening its doors at the prestigious One Lochrin Square building in Edinburgh’s burgeoning Fountainbridge business district. The stunning contemporary property sits in the shadow of Edinburgh Castle and will serve as proAV’s newest regional hub.
The Scottish office will be led by Gregor Rimell who brings more than 15 years’ outstanding experience gained with both proAV and some of the world’s leading AV manufacturers, including Crestron, Sony and AMX.
‘We’re delighted to be extending proAV’s arm into the Scottish sector,’ revealed Gregor. ‘We’ll be in a position to enhance the support we provide to our existing customer base here and enable us to grow it further with proAV’s innovational approach to world-class AV integration through a dependable local channel. On a personal level, I’m very much looking forward to bringing the capability and scale of the wider proAV professional team to my homeland.’
We are also pleased to announce our new AV Technical Manager, Andrew McGill, an experienced technology professional with vast expertise in full, end-to-end integrated AV requirements capture, delivery and design. His experience in both integrator and consultancy markets represents a high calibre skill set that will undoubtedly benefit the forward-thinking organisations that proAV Scotland will serve.
The Edinburgh base will be proAV’s seventh UK location in an office network that extends to Germany and China globally. It will form part of a remarkable resource of strategically-located technical engineers, project managers and more than 2500 qualified support personnel who serve client organisations in more than 60 countries across every continent.