Francis Appianing
Streaming and Event Technician

"Every day has been my best day with proAV as I get to help or work with people making sure their AV needs are met. I am happy I am working and also working for a good company."
Before joining proAV, Francis built up experience in resident AV solutions along with supporting his local church with live events and streaming. Encountering the challenge of taking his skillset into a corporate environment, Francis joined proAV six months ago as a Flexible Support Technician. In this role, he would visit up to a total of 14 different sites during his first six months to help and support their AV facilities.
During this time, Francis has been able to make a positive impact in his role with clients regularly requesting his services and receiving regular acknowledgement from his managers that he was delivering an excellent standard of service which led to an encouraging progression of his AV skillset.
Since joining proAV, Francis has earned an Extron AV Associate certification that has allowed him to advance his knowledge of AV system technology, design, and configurations. In addition, he has worked towards completing Levels 1 and 2 of The Dante Certification programs which offer fundamental knowledge on digital audio, networking addresses and working with Dante devices.
Following the completion of his initial six months with the company, Francis currently works for proAV as a Streaming and Event Technician supporting a world-renowned record label consortium.