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Articles / Accreditations

proAV awarded Gold by Constructionline

proAV awarded Gold by Constructi...

proAV awarded Gold by Constructionline

proAV has been awarded Gold membership status by Constructionline, the UK’s largest register of contractors, consultants and material suppliers for the construction industry.

Constructionline was created over twenty years ago as a Government department and has been supporting thousands of businesses by providing buyers across both public and private sectors with a pool of high-quality suppliers with whom they can confidently engage.

To achieve Gold proAV was assessed in terms of environmental management, quality management, equal opportunities, modern slavery act adherence and anti-bribery and corruption policies. Some of these policies form part of the Cabinet Office Selection Questionaire (SQ), which the public sector is expected to comply with.

In addition, all Gold members are assessed for SSIP (Safety Schemes in Procurement) health and safety certification.


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